What’s up with the Oct 30th in-game update?

Everyone should have received a modest update to the game files today. As many have speculated, it was to prepare for a special prize to be awarded tomorrow, on Halloween. As long as you log in to your game between 7am Oct 31st GMT and 7am Nov 1st GMT, you will get the characters’ dialog and have the item placed in your inventory.

Spoiler Alert!

What’s the special item? There was speculation it would be a new decoration called the Devil’s Anvil, whose graphic had appeared in the files. But either it wasn’t ready, or they wanted to give us something that would produce more ghosts and GOO.

So, the answer is a Wailing Wall! Not bad, it normally costs 50 donuts, produces 6 ghosts every 12 hours, and provides a nice 2.25% bonus to XP and $. It can be placed on grass, pavement, or the beach. Presumably after the Halloween event ends, it will generate $ and XP every 12 hours.

Wailing Wall

34 thoughts on “What’s up with the Oct 30th in-game update?

  1. Got my wailing wall, and it looks good! My question is, what happens to the gremlins any ghost bombs at the end of the event? Can they be traded in for cash or anything else?


    1. I seriously doubt it. When Whacking Day ended, the snakes just disappeared. All of them including all of the one’s we whacked. Not sure about the Ghost Bombs but I know for sure the Goo and Gremlins will just go away.


      1. Okay. Thanks Mike. It will be interesting to see what they do with the ghost bombs, especially.


  2. I think the update also fixed the Spooktacular bonus (I if hadn’t been fixed before) – so now when you receive it, the extra goo you get over the 2000 do not get wasted.


    1. Well, my game’s goo counter is still off by 9. (I had used a ghost bomb at 11989 goo, and 11 goo collected, leaving the other 9 to waste). Not as bad as some other people’s, but still it seems to have not been fixed. I doubt a fix is coming, though, since there’s only 6 more days left.


      1. Yes it doesn’t fix previous GOO, only the new ones. I only think so because when I returned from collecting GOO from neighboors I got the bonus and immediately after collecting donuts I had 42/2000 GOO, but it should be 0.

        But now that I think about it, it may have had something to do with the GOO that my gremlins collected :-/


    2. Not fixed i have lost almost a hundred goo =(


  3. thelittleprince 10/31/2013 — 07:54

    Happy Halloween!! Got my wailing wall just now. Placed it behind the ancient burial ground. We’re just a little over 2B goo from getting our last community prize. Keep tapping for goos! We’ll get there soon! I’ve collected over 60K goos among my towns combined. 🙂


  4. The dialogue suggests they have given us this as people are slowing down collecting goo.


  5. Alunited1961 10/31/2013 — 07:27

    7:30 Am GMT wailing wall arrived with a kick ass dialogue


  6. Oh, wow…. a wailing wall…


  7. FREE HALLOWEEN PRIZE IS HERE! CHECK YOUR GAMES. I live in aus and I just got it at 5:05pm!! It’s exactly as stated on this article!


  8. esteban2808 10/31/2013 — 04:20

    EA stop giving us items we can get for donuts. I have no use for a second one. That’s twice in this event alone now.


    1. I think its great! Many are freemium and it does generate ghosts 🙂


    2. I so agree Esteban, I like that they give free gifts, but surely it could be something unique and different, not something already available. How about a decoration that’s only available for the day. The liberty bell was done right…


      1. I can see both sides of the arguement regarding this.

        I agree that for those who buy donuts and are completists, being rewarded with an item they will have already purchased is a shame but on the other side being a freemium player I really appreciate the fact that EA do at times make a premium items available to all. For me the bonus increase is really useful. My only predicament now is do I spend my hard earned donuts on standard wall pieces to go with it or buy characters. So many choices.


        1. Yes but wouldn’t it be cool to have a new item that gave you a bonus! It gives the best outcome for premium and freemium!


        2. As much as I don’t like the gift I prefer that EA hook up the freemium players with something they may not ordinarily get. Keeps them playing and gives them a premium taste. It pains me to say it but was a decent gift.


  9. It is free so it is nice. But I was waiting for the devils anvil. On TSTONews the picture they had was pretty awesome was looking to put it next to Mt. Carl. 😦


  10. I appreciate the idea of a free gift, but like many others, I already have a wailing wall. It’s much like the fireworks gift on the 4th. Just give me a giant pumpkin!


  11. I make it a habit never to complain about free gifts. But a whaling wall? Really? Already bought 2 to design a ruin centering Burns Coffin. The color and shape of these things make it difficult to place stand-alone or to combine with another existing building. So I probably hide it in my SF somewhere. Would have preferred just getting the donuts or a more practical Halloween premium item. But then again, never look a gift horse in the mouth…

    Happy Halloween to all Tappers!


  12. I saw the update when it was downloading it got stuck at 8 closed and opened tapped out again and it didnt show the uploading page, im wondering did it update? Or not?


  13. clowninclay 10/31/2013 — 02:33

    Great news! I was wanting a wall but wouldn’t fork over the donuts to get one.


  14. Cool. This should go well with the wall sections. I had to snag 60 of those just to have a bit more variety in that area. The bush and the cobble stone just aren’t enough sometimes 🙂


  15. Disappointed about the anvil. However, a free premium item is nothing to sneeze at. Gives us a boost to our rating and produces money. I can’t complain. (Well, I could, but I won’t. :))


  16. Now the question is….will we get the wailing wall before Nov 7th??


    1. Ooops! I misunderstood! I thought this was going to be the last community prize 😦


  17. I’m just going to put it on my town after the event.


  18. justinjtaylor 10/30/2013 — 23:23

    So annoying considering I bought one yesterday and now only have 5 donuts left. Could’ve spent those on something else I didn’t have from last year. That’s two items I now have doubled up from halloween, thanks EA 😦


  19. -Insert Name Here- 10/30/2013 — 23:06

    Such a disappointment. 😦 I already have 5 wailing walls.


  20. So the wailing wall does give a % bonus??

    Is there a list of the other time limited halloween items that boost XP and $ and there % values?


    1. Thought we had one, but I don’t see it. I’ll do a quick post.


      1. Thanks mrfy that would be great. I wouldn’t mind buying a few more time limited things, but only if they give me a % bonus too, otherwise, I will save the donuts and buy something else later.


  21. Nice. Free stuff is always welcome. Thanks.


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