How much bonus % do the Halloween premium items provide?

Most premium decorations (and a few buildings) provide a bonus % to earnings of $ and XP. How much of a bonus % do the Halloween 2013 items provide? See below.

Item Cost (donuts) Bonus Bonus per donut
Ghost Zapper 60 2.25% 0.0375%
Freakmobile 35 0.75% 0.0214%
Ancient Burial Ground 40 2.00% 0.0500%
Wailing Wall 50 2.25% 0.0450%
Spooky Wall 1 0.05% 0.0500%
Ray Gun 150 3.75% 0.0250%
Cauldron 75 2.25% 0.0300%

The buildings from last year (Cemetery, Pet Cemetery, House of Evil, Bad Dream House and Mausoleum) don’t provide any bonus %.

The Ancient Burial Ground and the Spooky Wall give the best bonus % per donut spent. And while the Ray Gun costs the most number of donuts, the Freakmobile gives the worst bonus %. It looks pretty cool though.

17 thoughts on “How much bonus % do the Halloween premium items provide?

  1. I love the “Bonus per Doughnut” stats!
    Great post, thanks


  2. Thanks for figuring this out for us. It really helps us decide what to spend those hard earned donuts on.


  3. How can I work out my total multiplier?


    1. Easiest is to note down your total $ and collect from One Gulp n Blow (100$) note down the new total and subtract the old one. If the sum is ..hmmm.. 185$ your bonus is 85% if the sum is 324$ your bonus is 224%. For a more accurat % use a premium charachter 24h task, it pays 1000$


  4. Does it say that the wailing wall gets a bonus in the files? As when you click to buy one or look at the free one it doesn’t mention anything about a bonus.


    1. This should answer your question.


      1. Great thanks for that Mike.

        I am really intrigued on how you can access the files to find out info.


        1. It’s really not hard at all. Just has a few steps involved. I’m typing up instructions today for a few people so I’ll add you as well if you like and have a PC.


      2. Yeah I’d be interested. Thanks


  5. Not bad. The only one from that list I don’t have is the zapper. Still haven’t decided if I should get it plus all the non-job characters (which will be 200 donuts total) or get Hank’s Volcano Lair.


    1. Volcano Lair.


    2. Hmm that’s tough depending on your method of play and how much or often you get donuts. Completist obviously will have to get the limited time items or be lost forever but if you don’t often accrue that many donuts get the Lair. The Lair’s not going anywhere though.


      1. Why is the lair better than the zapper? I am thinking of getting the zapper for the bonus and want to make sure there isnt something I am missing here, the lair doesnt give a bonus does it?


        1. The Lair does not have any multplier bonus. It earns $500/50XP every 24 hours. Hank Scorpio however earns 50% bonus payout on all of his jobs and comes with 6 permanent premium jobs.
          The Zapper gives a 2.25% bonus to all jobs.


      2. Thanks


  6. thelittleprince 10/31/2013 — 07:59

    Love the Freakmobile! Hope EA release more cars in the coming months!


  7. Thanks heaps for this mrfy 🙂 I wanted to buy another ghost zapper for a decoration but only if it added some %.


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