Treehouse of Horror XXVIII: Act 1 Premium Walkthrough Part 1

Angelica Button is ready to join the other kids with magic! Join us right after the jump for the part 1 of the act 1 premium walkthrough!

Store update: The Pet Cemetery + Zombies bundle is back (if you don’t have any of the items in the bundle)!

Buttoncon Pt. 1

Angelica Button starts

Angelica Button: I don’t think I’m in magical Britain anymore. The people are still crude, but the accents are a trifle off.
Angelica Button: And is that the Magic Academy? How did that get here? And who are all these wizards and witches I’ve never seen before?
Lisa: Your world merged with ours! And I sort of ran with the whole thing. I’m Lisa, by the way, your biggest fan.
Angelica Button: Fan? As in fanatic?! What extremist plans have you in store for me?
Lisa: Nothing that extreme. I should explain. Do you want the abridged or unabridged version?

Task: Make Angelica Button Read Her Own Series
Time: 4h
Location: Magic Academy Library
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Buttoncon Pt. 2

Angelica Button starts

Angelica Button: My entire life, printed and published for profit!? How dare they!
Lisa: There’s also comics books, audio books, cellphone cases, bobbleheads, conventions… and I’m probably not helping.
Angelica Button: A convention? Like a gathering of all the great wizards in a grand hall? They could help me return to my home!
Lisa: It’s more like a bunch of nerds gathering at our school’s gymnasium. Button-con is small. We can’t fill a convention hall but we can sure pack the elementary volleyball court!

Task: Make Angelica Button Fans Congregate [x3]
Time: 4h
Location: Springfield Elementary
Task: Make Angelica Button Attend Her Own Convention
Time: 4h
Location: Springfield Elementary

Comic Book Guy: Impeccable costume, Lisa. You have once again proven to be a faithful recreator of the Angelica Button mythos.
Angelica Button: I’m not Lisa, you dunderheaded, good-for-nothing buffoon.
Comic Book Guy: Color me impressed! You’ve captured the Angelica Button diction to a tee. Very method cosplay of you.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Buttoncon Pt. 3

Angelica Button starts

Angelica Button: That was an existential experience. I may not have found a way home, but I do have a conference bag full of items that will eventually find their way to the trash.
Angelica Button: And for all the obsession with my personal life, there seems to be a lack of fiction around my adult life. What happens to me?
Lisa: No one cares about grown-up you. Everyone is obsessed with the story of a kid with magical powers. Once you’re an adult, it’s just another lame fantasy series.
Angelica Button: But what happens to me after I graduate Magic Academy? I have an entire life to live still, right?!
Lisa: Well, there are some dark fan theories…

Task: Make Angelica Button Read Her Fan Wiki
Time: 1h
Location: Magic Academy Library
Lisa: Make Lisa Quickly Edit Her Wiki Posts
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House

Lisa: So, what did you find out?
Angelica Button: Looks like a tossup between marrying a Normie, and owning too many cats.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Buttoncon Pt. 4

Angelica Button starts

Angelica Button: Lisa, can I ask you a question?
Lisa: You’re my fictional heroine, you can ask me anything!
Angelica Button: Do you think I could go to your regular school?
Lisa: Our world is filled with magic and you want to go to a regular school?
Angelica Button: Wizard school isn’t so exciting when that’s all you know. I’m really intrigued by what they teach at a non-magical school.
Lisa: You said “teach”, right? That might be a bit of a stretch.

Task: Make Angelica Button Go Where the Normies Go
Time: 4h
Location: Springfield Elementary
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP

Join us next time for more info on this event, happy tapping!

2 thoughts on “Treehouse of Horror XXVIII: Act 1 Premium Walkthrough Part 1

  1. Is the Pet Cemetery available yet? I can’t see it and I don’t think I already have it.


    1. if you have one of the there items in the bundle it wont appear


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