What Changed With the Wild West Patch 2 and 3 Updates? (April 21st and 22nd)

A patch for the Wild West event, fixing some glitches, was just released. As most of you know by now, every update not only brings new content but also changes to many other aspects of the game. From prices to appearance, task lengths to requirements, any part of the game is subject to change and many changes affect every player. Follow us right after the jump for the list of all of the changes.
Update: A fourth update in 4 days was released the next day.

Fort Sensible, Campfire, Obstacle Wall, Obstacle Tire, Obstacle Wire and Obstacle Log can now be placed on dirt.

Fort Sensible

Fixed animations on Town Plaza’s jobs Ominously Warn and Promote Lawlessness.


Bart can’t Abuse Lawlessness and Overreact to Warnings anymore.

Lurleen and Marge can’t Abuse Lawlessness anymore.

Gummy Joe can’t Overreact to Warnings anymore.

Wiggum can’t Buy Overpriced Supplies and Rile Himself Up anymore.


Snake can’t Get Riled Up anymore.

The Rich Texan can’t Buy Overpriced Supplies and Overreact to Warnings anymore.

Belle can’t Get Riled Up anymore.

Lisa can’t Buy Overpriced Supplies and Get Riled Up anymore.

Belle can’t Buy Overpriced Supplies, Overreact to Warnings and Abuse Lawlessness till Act 3 instead of being always able to.


The Rich Texan can’t Get Riled Up and Abuse Lawlessness till Act 3 instead of being always able to.

Lisa can now Overreact to Warnings too.

A minimum rush price to upgrade the Town Plaza has been added.


With the the April 22nd update a single change was made:

The name of the friend that sent the prospectors appears when its tapped.

Join us next time for more info on this event, happy tapping!

16 thoughts on “What Changed With the Wild West Patch 2 and 3 Updates? (April 21st and 22nd)

  1. Is the EA Forum down?


    1. yes johncolombo said to me they’re having troubles now unfortunatly 😦


  2. Anyone else think it’s difficult to keep up with the targets on the calendar? I’m playing every four hours- even in the night as I’m up with the baby! I’m visiting friends and dropping prospectors. (Im guessing the best strategy with these is to drop in towns that you know are played regularly) Am I missing something?


  3. Tapatapatapa 04/22/2016 — 00:37

    I was able to get the Rich Texan to ‘get riled up’


  4. ABenhart70904 04/21/2016 — 23:46

    Its showing brandine available at the railyard but when you click het now it doent do anything, is she not available?


    1. yes brandine was only available during the event


      1. ABenhart70904 04/22/2016 — 00:43

        Spelling errors on my part, yikes… but on my 2nd town it showed brandine briefly available for purchase about an hour ago along with all the other stuff that is going to be available during this event (premiums, cash items, etc.). Then it abruptly dissapeared and none of it is showing up now. Im assuming it was a glitch when the latest patch hit but I’m curious if she’s supposed to be released again before this (wild west) event is over. Anyone else have this happen to them?


        1. Thats new but no she won’t be back no


  5. ginjaninjaavenga 04/21/2016 — 23:05

    Having to uninstall and reinstall the entire game with each of these updates. What a pain.


    1. that means you don’t have enough space to download the update and then install it. it’s double that way. then the installation files are removed but only after installing them


  6. And again the game is telling me my device is full when it isn’t, so I guess again I’ll have to uninstall and then reinstall it 😒


    1. that means you don’t have enough space to download the update and then install it. it’s double that way. then the installation files are removed but only after installing them


      1. I have 550mb free on my tablet, so… no?


        1. I had 1,2 GB free and it still said I was full… This update is so glitched


          1. This new one is doing it again as well. I have to redownload the whole game for a single fix 😕😒🙅


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