World’s Largest Redwood Walkthrough: Treehugger Lisa

A long forgotten tree is ready to be planted and grown again in our Springfield as the World’s Largest Redwood is here. Join us right after the jump for the complete main walkthrough!

After completing the main questline, you unlock Treehugger Lisa. Her questline is a fight to keep the redwood tree out of Mr. Burns’ hands!

Treehugger Lisa Pt. 1

Mr. Burns starts

Mr. Burns: Well-played, little one. A bit of hardball to increase your bargaining position. How does an offer of $5,000 sound?
Treehugger Lisa: I’m not doing this for money.
Mr. Burns: It’s like negotiating with Donald Trump, without the veiled threats to wipe out Islam. How about I add 20,000 donuts?
Treehugger Lisa: I don’t want your filthy donuts! Besides, I already have all the premium characters. Except Lampwick. But really, who gives a crap about Lampwick?
Mr. Burns: Silly little girl. Everyone knows Lampwick’s better than Blue Funzo.

Task: Make Burns Regret Having Purchased Lampwick
Time: 60m
Location: World’s Largest Redwood

Treehugger Lisa Pt. 2

Quimby starts

Quimby: Young lady, you’re standing in the way of progress!
Treehugger Lisa: Progress?
Quimby: My progress from living on a normal street to living somewhere where I don’t have to interact with other human beings!
Treehugger Lisa: I’m not letting this tree be gated in.
Mr. Burns: Fine, you win. I won’t gate in the tree.
Treehugger Lisa: Really?
Mr. Burns: Yep… You’ve made me realize there’s a better way.
System Message: Want to show Lisa the “better way”? The Wood Chipper is now available in the store.
WLR Woodchipper
Treehugger Lisa: You’re going to chop it down? But trees are one of our most valuable resources! Just ask any scientist.
Professor Frink: She’s right.This tree is a major breakthrough! Its girth is far beyond anything ever seen in a science fair project.
Professor Frink: Which is why we must cut it down and look at its innards. Its rings will tell us something… although I forget what at the moment.

Task: Make Treehugger Lisa Chain Herself to the Redwood
Time: 4h
Location: World’s Largest Redwood

Treehugger Lisa: Now that you see my resolve, you may as well give up.
Quimby: I’m a mayor, most of my job is rescheduling public construction projects.
Quimby: How about we try every Tuesday 4:00 pm, or Friday at lunch?
Treehugger Lisa: But those are when two of my extra curricular activities are!
Skinner: Come on Lisa, you don’t need those. You’ll easily get into Vassar.
Treehugger Lisa: Ugghh!

Treehugger Lisa Pt. 3

Lisa starts

Treehugger Lisa: I guess I have no choice but to turn to the forces of darkness… So, what’s the plan?
Bart: I do find your methods inspiring. I think your plan needs just a little tweaking.
Bart: I told everyone there’s a bald eagle nest up there. Psychological manipulation is beautiful!
Treehugger Lisa: My plan was NOT psychological manipulation!
Bart: I didn’t say it was. As I said, I’m just tweaking your plan.
Quimby: Come on, accept the inevitable: the gated community will be built, new residents will move in, and I’ll use the property tax revenue to fund a decadent weeklong party spree in Mykonos.
Treehugger Lisa: You might want to reconsider what side you’re on. Because a lot of your constituents support this tree! Right guys?
Milhouse: …
Snake: …
Dr. Hibbert: …
Treehugger Lisa: Wait, what happened? You all supported the tree!
Milhouse: Sorry, one of the daughters of a prospective resident made me a vague, noncommittal romantic offer if I supported the gated community.
Snake: And Mr. Burns said he could use my criminal skills in his accounting department.
Dr. Hibbert: And I get to be the official supplier of botox and plastic surgery to the gated community.

Task: Make Former Tree Supporters Support the Gated Community [x4]
Time: 3h
Location: World’s Largest Redwood
Characters: Blue Haired Lawyer, Otto, Barney, Quimby, Milhouse, Snake, Dr. Hibbert

Treehugger Lisa Pt. 4

Lisa starts

Treehugger Lisa: I’m sorry, redwood tree. I should have never planted you again. Thanks to me, you’re doomed to be gated or chopped up.
Gil: Not exactly! Gil Gunderson to the rescue!
Treehugger Lisa: Sorry, Gil, but I don’t need any second-rate premium decorations at “sale” prices that are barely different than the original price.
Gil: I’m not selling anything! I’m here to help you defeat the rich people. Because as they say: if you can’t join ‘em, beat ‘em!
Treehugger Lisa: How in the world are you gonna help me?
Gil: With over 10 years experience as a terrible real estate agent, I know a thing or two about what makes a property undesirable to buyers.

Task: Make Lisa Question Her Sanity Taking Advice From Gil
Time: 2h
Location: World’s Largest Redwood

Treehugger Lisa Pt. 5

Lisa starts

Treehugger Lisa: If you don’t build another Krusty Burger here, I’ll get my dad to never patronize Krusty Burger again.
Krusty: Fat chance! He’s too lazy to go anywhere else.
Treehugger Lisa: Exactly. So I’ll teach him how to order pizza delivery from his MyPad.
Krusty: *GULP*

Task: Make Krusty Plan a Krusty Burger Next to the Proposed Site
Time: 30m
Location: World’s Largest Redwood

System Message: A Krusty Burger has been placed in your inventory.
WLR Krusty Burger Message
Treehugger Lisa: If you don’t build another Kwik-E-Mart here, I’ll get Bart to boycott Squishees.
Apu: Without that revenue my kids would starve! You’d never be so cruel to innocent children.
Treehugger Lisa: First we have to save the trees. Then we can worry about children.

Task: Make Apu Plan a Kwik-E-Mart Next to the Proposed Site
Time: 30m
Location: World’s Largest Redwood

System Message: A Kwik-E-Mart has been placed in your inventory.
WLR K-E-M Message
Treehugger Lisa: If you don’t tell Lard Lad to build another donut shop here, I’ll–
Wiggum: Great idea!

Task: Make Wiggum Try to Get a Lard Lads Next to the Proposed Site
Time: 30m
Location: World’s Largest Redwood

Treehugger Lisa: How come they haven’t started building Lard Lad Donuts yet?
Wiggum: I over-estimated my ability to force people to do things at gunpoint.

After Pt. 5, you’ll end up with one extra Kwik-E-Mart and Krusty Burger, though for obvious reasons (costs donuts) you won’t get a Lard Lad Donuts. Next is the final quest to buy 2 Woodchippers!

Treehugger Lisa Pt. 6

Mr. Burns starts

Mr. Burns: Curse you! By building these riff-raff attracting establishments, you’ve caused all but one of the prospective home buyers to pull their offers!
The Rich Texan: And I’d pull my offer but he won’t take my calls.
Mr. Burns: You can have your stupid tree back. Enjoy hanging out there with all the burger eaters, slushie sippers, and donut snarfers. Ewwwww.
Squeaky Voice Teen: Excuse me, I have a wood chipper delivery for a “Mr. Burns.”
Mr. Burns: Return it. No longer needed.
Fat Tony: No wait! I’ll take it!

Task: Place Decoration “Woodchipper”

Don Vittorio: Tony, I’ve got a new job for you.
Fat Tony: In that case, I’ll take two!

Task: Place Second Decoration “Woodchipper”

Fat Tony: Now I’ve got one for Legs AND one for Louie.
Legs: How’s that, boss?
Fat Tony: Nevermind.

This is all for now, join us later for more info on this update, happy tapping!

7 thoughts on “World’s Largest Redwood Walkthrough: Treehugger Lisa

  1. Treehugger Lisa isn’t showing up for me! I placed the woodchipper (actually 2 just in case lol) and when I click her picture it takes me to my inventory. So confused! I checked for the skin there but I do not see it.


    1. you need to complete World’s Largest Redwood Pt. 10 to unlock her


      1. 🙂 I did! Finished it. Had Mr Burns Regret Buying Lampwick. Was instructed to place the woodchipper. I don’t think it showed up in my inventory and that’s glitched it. Darn! I even found it on the buy menu and purchased it but no luck.


        1. that’s completely weird cause THL is unlocked at the end of pt. 10. try contacting EA with the link under our menu. Before that did you check all your inventory instead of sections? it could have ended up there somehow. Check Lisa better and remember to hit the + button on top right to open up her skins list if it’s not


  2. Haleema Bashir 08/08/2016 — 18:30

    How do I make lisa chain herself to the redwood? Whenever I click on her picture in the taskbar and go to do the task it keeps taking me to my inventory. What am I missing? I didnt think I needed any extra items to complee the task but the games making me think otherwise?


    1. you need to use Treehugger Lisa to do it


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