What Changed with the Muscular Marge and Monorail Patch 1 Updates? (August 26th and 27th)

EA just released the Gil Offer for Muscular Marge and Shapes and brought us a new gym. Every update not only brings new content but also changes to many other aspects of the game. From prices to appearance, task lengths to requirements, any part of the game is subject to change and many changes affect every player. Follow us right after the jump for the list of all of the changes for both updates issued on 26th and 27th.
Springfield Heights updates: Tap Ball Takedown (July 21st) – Springfield Heights (July 22nd and 24th) – v4.16.2 (July 29th) – Ice Cream Homer (July 30th Update 1 and 2) – Level 56 (August 6th)Monorail Takedown (September 15th, 16th and 23rd) – Level 58 (September 17th)
Other Monorail updates: Monorail (August 11th Update 1 and 2) – Level 57 (September 3rd)Monorail Patch 2 (September 8th)

The first update on August 26th, introduced Muscular Marge and a vast number of changes.

The following items can now be placed on: Grass, Pavement, Boardwalk, Boardwalk Edge and Beach:

Lincoln’s Cabin, The Hungry Hun, Java Server, Jake’s Unisex Hair Palace, King Toots, Skip’s Diner, Aztec Theatre, Duff Brewery, Krabappel Apartment, House of Evil, O’Flanagan’s Pub, Swanky Fish, Springfield Wax Museum, Guitar Central, The Happy Sumo, Homer’s Pool, Jebediah Statue, Ray Gun, Holiday Tree, Reindeer, Police Car, Wind Sock, Whacking Mugs Stalls, Whacking Stick Stall, Whacking T-Shirt Stall, Whacking Day Banner, Snake Statue, Balance Beam, Green Practice Snake, Purple Practice Snake, Red Practice Snake, Yellow Practice Snake, Snake Speakers, Gorgeous Grampa Billboard, Noise Land Video Arcade, Red Electric Car, Yellow Electric Car, Blue Electric Car, Little Black Box, Rat Trap Delivery Truck, Quimborghini, Municipal House of Pancakes, It Blows, Herman’s Military Antiques, Training Dummy, Beer -N- Brawl, Alley McBalls, Sportacus, Testosterzone, Stadium Entrance, The Gridiron, Simpsons Laser Tag, Springfield YMCA, Spiffany’s, Boxingham Palace, Barbarian Castle, Lotto ‘N’ Liquor, Limo, Vulgari, Classy Girls Strip Club, Springfield Pet Shop, DMV Limo, Ajax Steel Mill, KBBL Radio, Shotkickers, Seething Sisters, Hi-Glow Waste Barrels, Stonecutter Lodge, Abandoned Store, Stone of Triumph, Tube Slide, Stonecutter Table, Rad Mobile, Zenith City Times, Zenith City Apartments, Zenith City Store Front, Super Jeb, It’s a Wonderful Knife, Gas and Grub, Monsarno Founder Statue, Willy’s Tractor, Homer Decoy, Rake, Welcome Bob Sign, Sani-John Smokehouse, Herbicide Squirter, Oscar’s Obstacles Truck, The Homer, Portal to Rigel 7, Human Test Subject, Hover-Copter, Teleporter Alpha, Teleporter Omega, Ferris Wheel, Egg Nog Bar, Sequel Stop, Elf Cannon, Cannon Control Building, Festive Light Plunger, Duff Beer Tree, Ice Fence and Toy Workshop Bell.

Elf Cannon Control

The following items can’t be sold anymore:

Open Air Stage, Sprawl Mart, BBQ Pig, Lard Lad Donuts, Aztec Theatre, Springfield Observatory, Mapple Store, Try-N-Save, Phineas Q. Butterfats, Howard’s Flowers, Duff Stadium, Asia De Cuba, Robby The Automaton, Little Lady Justice, Chalk Outline, Fat Chalk Outline, Stunt Bike, Bonsai, Butterfly Tent, Springfield Sign, Tire Yard, Apple Tree, Orange Tree, Tree Swing, Fire Shrub, Premium Bench, Premium Dumpster, Premium Planter, Picket Fence, Homer’s Hammock, Shooting Car, Channel 6 News Van, Worldwide Broadcast Dish, Ambulance, Cannon, Reindeer, Burns Limo, Tetherball, Police Car, Rose Bush, Valentine’s Tree, Love Planter, Rose Arch, Valentine’s Pond, Cherub Topiary, Cozy Hammock, I Choo-Choo-Choose You Train, Mount Carlmore, Wind Sock, Whacking Mugs Stalls, Whacking Stick Stall, Whacking T-Shirt Stall, Whacking Day Banner, Green Practice Snake, Purple Practice Snake, Red Practice Snake, Yellow Practice Snake, Snake Speakers, Snake Rocks, Snake Stump, Hollow Snake Trunk, Fruit-Bat-Signal, Hot Tub, Santa’s Little Helper Topiary, Museum of Natural History, Whale, Quimborghini, Shorty’s, Murderpuss, Mini Nuclear Warhead, Knightboat, Giuseppe’s Workshop, Southern Cracker Fountain, Unoriginal Log Ride, Krusty’s One Plate Maximum Buffet, Duff Beer Fountain, Eyeballs of Death, Mt. Krustmore, Clown Garbage Can, Whack-A-Mole, Krusty Fountain, Vesuvius Pizza, Marvin Monroe’s Tombstone, Fort Sensible, Box of Fireworks, Freak Show Tent, Satan’s Anvil, Limo, Duff Party Liner, Springfield Clamphitheater, Left Handed Roadster, Itchy & Scratchy Billboard, Homer’s Ballet, Shiva Statue, Frinksonic MHV, Giant Grasshopper, Inflatable Gorilla And Baboons, Duff Barney Blimp, Stack of Beer, The Mayflower, Ghost Zapper, Freakmobile, Ancient Burial Ground, Wailing Wall, Ferris Wheel, Planet Hype, Hot Dog Stand, Popcorn Stand, Boardwalk Fountain, Basketball Game, Radioactive Man Billboard, Backwater Brewery, Jet Engine Bike and Devil Float.


The following items can now be placed on the Beach:

S.W.A.T. Van, Hail Ants Sign, Fountain, Burns Limo, Easter Banner, Soccer Net, Homerclese Statue, Taste of Duff Beer Truck, Excellence Prize Statue, Giant Grasshopper, Inflatable Gorilla and Baboons, Duff Barney Blimp and Tree-Eyed Sushi.


The following items can now be placed on Boardwalk and Boardwalk Edge:

Ninja Homer Practice Snake, Carboard Wall, Cardboard Tower, Cardboard Gates, Recycled Wall, Recycled Tower, Recycled Gates, Castle Wall, Castle Tower and Castle Gates.

Recycled Wall

Multiple Kwik-E-Marts, Krusty Burgers, White Houses and Orange Houses when placed can now be placed one after the other.


Duff Pavilion, Krusty’s Haunted Condo, Krustyland Burger, Krusty’s Giant Wheel, Tavern on the Scream and Unoriginal Log Ride were added to the Attractions inventory group.


Monorail Cafe, Spiffany’s, Malibu Stacy HQ, Shotkickers and Powers House were added to the Buildings inventory group.

Monorail Cafe

Lemon Tree was removed from the Buildings inventory group.

Lemon Tree

Krustyland Store menu was rearranged.


Pool’s level can now be selected at a skin menu and it’s no longer unique. It also lost the message “It’s as awesome as it can be!” once tapped due to the skin selection been added.

Pool Level

A glitch involving its questline started where building and upgrading the pool won’t continue the quest Higher Class of Politics Pt. 3.

Monorail Stations’ task names after the event were added:

  • Monorail Station: Getting People Nowhere Fast
  • Krusty’s Drive-Thru Station: Serving REALLY Fast Food
  • Mall-O-Rail Station: Closing Just Before Your Train Arrives
  • Tetanus Station: Keeping Health Insurers in Business


Krusty’s Drive-Thru Station, Drive-Thru Awning, Drive-Thru Extension, Drive-Thru Stairs and Drive-Thru Platform will be offered again from September 8 at 9am BST to September 15 at 9am BST.


In Rail Against the Machine Pt. 3, Conductor Homer won’t say “Why yes, the windows DO open now.” at the end anymore, it’s objective changed to Make Conductor Homer Take Bitey for a Walk, and Conductor Homer’s Air Out Bitey’s job name was changed to Take Bitey for a Walk.

Conductor Homer

Monorail’s Projects Board Daily Caps for act 2 and 3 were changed and they have been removed for those that completed the act prize track.


Completing Luigi’s A Jolly Right Mess now yields 10000$ and 1000 XP instead of 100$ and 10 XP.


Mr. Powers Car can’t be placed on the road anymore.

Mr. Power's Car

Bumblebee Man’s Tacos become placable on Boardwalk but it’s still Krustyland only.


Training Wall was added to the Walls store category.


EA issued another update on August 27th, both in store and ingame, for 4.16.5 and a Monorail Patch, changing only two thing.

Deluxe Condo, Business Center, Classic Mansion and Modern Mansion can now be stored again.

Deluxe Condo (Level 1)

A new Get Help button was added to the Cannot Connect to Server screen.

If tapped, though, a white empty page opens up. ss+(2015-09-10+at+10.16.48)

Did we miss something? Let us know in the comments down below and join us later for more info on this update. Happy tapping!

25 thoughts on “What Changed with the Muscular Marge and Monorail Patch 1 Updates? (August 26th and 27th)

  1. Is there more land expansion?


  2. Is this a glitch? Got to number 7 where you win 5 track pieces……in one game I got 12 and my other game I got 20……all straight pieces.


  3. Play Store update today appears to have fixed the freezing glitch when you “clean” your buildings!!! Not sure what else the update today fixed!!! 😀


    1. some still got it. at the bottom of the article you can see the only change.


      1. nod I only said that it appeared to resolve the freezing issue when cleaning buildings because I was able to successfully clean off all of mine without my game freezing and ultimately booting me out.


        1. I am no longer freezing, but one quarter of my game is like it is in another dimension. All characters associated with buildings in the area are under construction. When you store the building and then replace to get the character back, the entire area disappears and then you have to move and place a piece and the area returns but you don’t have the characters. The area also does not generate money. And if the garbage dump is placed in the area, the task complete does not work.
          Playable but frustrating.
          Finally have not had any plastic tasks since this started.


  4. alunited1961 08/27/2015 — 07:34

    I am now on day 12 of the glitchhalf my town doesn’t work so any active tasks for the monorail are all cramped in the right hand side. I am continually nagging EA (thanksem) but no patch.
    I’ve missed out on extra monorail tracks and doughnuts because of this.
    I also have multiple premium buildings which is really annoying except for Bart’s treehouse which is a nice decoration.

    On monorail cafe have I missed this?


    1. Monorail cafe will come soon so you didnt miss it


  5. Did the daily caps increase or decrease? I can’t seem to find the original post to compare


      1. Woo hoo!


  6. Conducter Homers Air out bitey changed to take bitey for a walk. Also you can place multiple pools.


  7. Does anyone have any idea when they will fix this game freezes glitch? Are they even aware of it?


  8. Wow. So many pointless changes. Why are they wasting time instead of fixing the real problems. More items we cant sell and no way to clear our inventories of crud we dont want. Way to go EA.


    1. they’ve made it so you don’t sell premium items cause they cost donuts and you get $ back. and most are limited time items that you can’t buy back.


      1. I understand that. I mean the other crud like easter egg piles and lovely benches. I have 80 castle walls and piles of junk I cant get rid of.


        1. And Springfield heights buildings still cant be stored weeks after reporting problem. Clearly EAs priorities are wrong.


          1. the storing is not the problem. they changed it cause there’s a glitch with disappearing, duplicating or levelling down buildings in SH.


  9. My favorite thing is that I can’t play because it freezes, glitches and crashes whenever I do something other than look at my screen. 🙂


  10. My favorite change is the pool’s appearance can now be customized. Maybe this means decos like the garbage pile and money mountain will eventually have the same kind of skin menu.


    1. I am hoping this will apply to the Heights buildings as well eventually…


  11. Appears that they still doesn’t fix the issue with the game freezing when you attempt to “clean” your buildings of the garbage neighbors put on them. :/


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