Server Issues

Seems many of you are having issues with the Origin servers again. I just went into my game, at work on a 4G signal and went in fine but I have no doubt there either was an issue that’s been fixed or the issue is just scattered amongst players, locations, servers, etc.
Hopefully those of yo who are still having issues will soon be able to access your games again. Stay tuned for more info.


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13 thoughts on “Server Issues

  1. Looks like EA are having server issues again…


  2. Do you guys happen to know anything about the game suddenly crashing frequently? I’ve been having this issue while visiting friends’ towns from both my phone and my boyfriend’s phone with both of our accounts, and more recently, while trying to store Flanders so I could get more people working on doing the toy making quest for the tunnel. It’s really quite frustrating. I’ve tried exiting out and opening the app again, deleting the app and reinstalling, and it still does it to me.


    1. Very common. The Flanders thing happens when he’s snowmobiling with the boys and it was suppose to be fixed but isnt.
      Visitong friends only happen in certain towns, different each day, so skip that town for one day and continue and try agian the next day.


  3. Francesco Bisiesto 12/12/2014 — 03:45

    This is weird. When I log in to my lvl 47 acc, it shows the first cut scene of homer in the plant then it starts the first quest, then the Bart screen shows up and repeat. I can’t get into my account don’t know what to do. Its been like this all day. Anyone else have the same problem?


    1. Sound like you were logged out and are in an Anonymous account. Not uncommon at all.
      Login buttons: Welcomescreen, bottom left. Friendscreen (minitowns) tap the Handshakeicon, bottom right in the pop-up “add origin friends” enter log in info.
      Either exit the game to access the Welcomescreen or play through the first levels to access the Bart/Milhouse button to take you to the Friendscreen with the minitown.


      1. Francesco Bisiesto 12/13/2014 — 14:37

        Thing is, I’m not in my town at all. It says I’m logged into my account but it’s like I just started the game. After the first dialogue I’m brought to the Bart screen. After it says that someone else has signed into my account. I tried signing out if origin and creating a new name with a different passwordx but it still doesn’t work


      2. Francesco Bisiesto 12/13/2014 — 14:47

        I just tried all what u said, to add myself from origin through friend, but it isn’t working . it says my account was signed into another device. What does that mean???


        1. If you used the same email when you signed up again it can really mess things up.
          Contact EA directly and ask for a gameadvisor. Same login as the game.


          1. Francesco Bisiesto 12/13/2014 — 18:40

            I contacted them and now my town is back. Thank you


  4. I thankfully haven’t had any server issues, but my daily tunnel tasks have been glitch-y for a couple days now.


  5. It’s Lizard Squad again. I knew something was suspicious when this post was made. -_-


  6. Benjamin Bettell 12/11/2014 — 14:06

    Has anybody been able to access the store? I want to buy donuts but since the Xmas event started it gives me a can’t access the store try later message. Just wondering if I am the only one.


  7. letsplaynintendoita 12/11/2014 — 07:59

    It’s again the same imb***lle that took it down last time: @LizardPatrol
    police please


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