Lagging with Tapping!

Hello Tappers!

Is your tapped out still lagging? There has been many reports of players games lagging during playing tapped out. With some players not being able to play their game due to the lags. These lags came first to us after the end of the Easter event with no response from EA. However a couple of days ago EA posted on the official forums about the issue and have updated recently:



Some players may be experiencing an issue with decreasing frame rates after the 4.8.1 update. The decreased frame rate issue may cause the application’s display to lag when scrolling and in rare cases cause a crash. 

We appreciate your patience. Our team is working to have a solution very soon. Please note the frame rate issue will be improved by the small update just released on 5/16/14. 

We will continue to provide updates as our team works on resolving this issue. 

Our thanks. 

Posted: 05/16/14

We’re not quite there yet, but thanks for being patient. 

Friday night’s update improved the frame rate issues and we are continuing to work on a permanent solution for this issue introduced with the 4.8.1 update. 

This week we will be releasing another update which will further improve game performance. 

Stay tuned, we will keep you informed.

Posted: 05/19/14


So it looks like yesterdays update was another attempt to fix the lag issues. Yesterdays update did improve massively for me as before the update I couldn’t even get on my game. There are still some small issues but I’m sure they will get fixed during the next update. Keep checking the forums for any more updates on the issues.

EA Forums: The Simpsons Tapped Out

41 thoughts on “Lagging with Tapping!

  1. I still can’t get on since the a Easter removal update. Even with this new level 41, still can’t get on. I’m frustrated they are releasing time limited content during such a problem.


    1. Android is petty decent now , Apple needs more tweaking ,though !!


      1. I’m finally able to get in. Everything seems good. 🙂


        1. Better now !! 🙂


  2. I haven’t bothered to play since the lag. I don’t have the patients for lag. I have lost interest with the entire Easter debacle and now this lag.


    1. Latest update that arrived today seems better. Give it a try!


      1. I’m already into it ! building the jewelry store now !!


  3. Not very happy about the lagging on my Android (Samsung Note 3). . . Sigh


  4. Still having lag issues on iPad Air,
    And when I visit friends every fifth friend I get kicked out to the home screen,
    Which makes it a drag trying to earn friend points


  5. I would love to have my game lagging right now. I haven’t been able to even get in my game for over a week! Hoping an update tomorrow will end my sadness:(


    1. Nope…. Updated and still can’t play :_(


      1. Same here!!! It’s so annoying


    2. Same. =\


  6. For me, the problem comes and goes. Some days its better than others, sometimes it takes me 10 minutes just to collect handshakes in my town


  7. I don’t quite understand how an update that only removes temporary content can have such a negative impact – and leave the developers clueless for a week now. In any case, EA’s mobile testing strategy still has potential…


  8. It’s still slow, which is funny considering how it wasn’t at all during the easter event.


    1. Hello, always i used to check website posts here in the early hours in the daylight,
      since i like to learn more and more.


  9. Total nightmare.. I play on iPhone 4s. It’s never ever been this bad. I only go on it once a day.. All I do is put them all on 24hour tasks & leave the game. Can’t go round my villages as it kicks me out of the game completely. So annoying.. Had enough of it now!!


  10. Lag does seem to be related to characters being on tasks. Definitely very laggy the more tasks people have running. Also still crash out every few visits – ipad is usually pretty good.


    1. It is definitely the number of characters on tasks that slows it down. I only have the 3 or 4 task list characters going eg ones with “!” and my game is mostly ok. When go to other towns there are loads of outdoor task characters and game is nearly unplayable.


  11. It seems like they have fixed the lag issue. Some other thing, after the end of the Easter event I can’t travel to my Krustyland anymore. If I try it, it crashes. Does anyone else has this problem too?


    1. A few have the KL problem too. But the lag issue isn’t completely fixed…my games and many others still suffer from it.


  12. I didn’t see anything for Apple. They better fix it soon. The lag is crazy bad and it’s ruining the fun and enjoyment of the game. I stopped tapping for a full say because it was driving me so crazy!

    At least they’re working on it. That’s something.



  13. Magilla84131 05/21/2014 — 19:28

    I think something people should include when looking for friends, is if they have Arnie Pye flying in their town. The friends I visit that have him flying around always have the biggest amount of lag.


    1. I try to never have him on those tasks…I hate the flying copter too. Only character I regret buying.


      1. Magilla84131 05/21/2014 — 21:02

        Same here. At first I kinda thought it would be cool to have the helicopter flying around my town. But, now I just find him annoying. It hard to try to tap on anything else on the screen without tapping on him. And it reall slows things down. Now I’ll only put him on his 8 or 24 hr tasks and let him walk around town.


        1. 4-hour works too. I often put him on that along with my other characters. Though sometimes I slip up and give him the 12-hour when I’m assigning all the other characters 12-hour tasks. D’oh! 🙂


    2. That would be near impossible since Arnies task isn’t forever and is only activated whenever a player feels like doing it, then they’d have to come here update their request, finish the task, come BACK here, update the request that Arnies task is done all the while hoping someone on their friends list sees their request and even uses this site.


  14. I removed 70 friends and the game got less laggy. Less people trying to connect at the same time


  15. Graywolf1410 05/21/2014 — 19:27

    Mine is bearable now. Seems like it gets worse the longer I play though.


  16. My game also still lagging on android even after recent update and IOS which has no update as yet also still lagging.
    This is very frustrating.


  17. Very jerky. Not good. Very frustrating. Update did nothing


  18. Yep. Still lagging on my Kindle…


  19. I didn’t see an update for my iPhone yesterday or today. Was the update for all devices? My game is still lagging. I’ve tried to keep my people working inside and that seems to help some – but it doesn’t solve the issue by far!


  20. The so called fix, didn’t fix anything !!


    1. They never said it was a “fix”. They said it was an “improvement”.


      1. Semantics… Same thing ,…


  21. I too was also having bad lag issues. What seemed to help was to stop giving tasks out. People just walking around aimlessly 😛. Not my ideal fix but it’s running smooth now.


  22. Slow game here as well, in my own Springfield as well in friends’ towns.


  23. Mine says update to continue,I click update brings me to the app store click open and it just goes back to update to continue ,I am using a kindle fire any idea bow to get the update so I can play ,thanks


  24. My game is still really slow, also I can only visit a few friends then it crashes. Have never had it this bad before.


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