100,000 Hits!!!!

I am totally speechless friends. Never in a million years did I think I would be sitting here with an incredible team of authors running a site I created. In one short week of being live we have amassed 100,000 hits. Yeah we’re no Facebook or Twitter but for a small game blog and few awesome people managing it we are blazing trails. None of this would be possible without each and every one of our friends that come here daily seeking our help, guidance and advise. Plus, a game update certainly helps our cause a lot as well. We’re not quite where we want to be and are feverishly trying to get every piece of info from the start of the game until now up but even as is we are moving along fairly well. Thank you to all of our friends and we hope that you all come here each day and also hope you spread the word about Topix.

As with any milestone I’d like to make you all aware of our donations link in the sidebar. I will also put one in this post. This site is free and always will be, you will never be charged to come here or for membership. We are, however, growing fast and soon will need to make some changes to the site in order to keep us up and running and allow us upgrade so that you will NEVER have a problem coming to us. We are all here by volunteer and have lives of our own and will have to rely on your contributions to grow our site. So please, if you are able to donate please do and you will see your donation in action as we are able to make some changes. There is no fixed amount so anything you can contribute would be greatly appreciated.

This game is truly one of a kind and without it we would not be here and without all of you this site would not be here. Thank you friends for all of your kind words and support. Here’s to 500,000 hits and beyond. Happy Tapping my friends!

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92 thoughts on “100,000 Hits!!!!

  1. Mike, could you email me please, I am extremely interesting in becoming an admin, but if it is bad timing I would love to do some guest posts, please get in contact.


    1. We, as a team, have decided not to add any more permenent writers or admins at this point (Werdna is invited but has not yet replyed). This site is still new and we’re trying to find our way. Sorry. Any of us might send a mail as a response for guest posts.


    2. Okay no problem, let me know if anything comes up. I am happy to do guest posts, whenever needed, just email me if you would ever like me to do one. Thank you for the reply


  2. if I win the euromillions next Friday, I promise I’ll donate £100,000!!


  3. Lei Zarycki aka ladylei82 08/16/2013 — 18:35

    I’m very glad to see this website is carrying on how Tips used to be run. I was almost duped by the GameZino due to the word of “Mr. Tips”, but I couldn’t shake a feeling it was bunk. I rarely give my husband my passwords and he does the maintenance for all our electronics. So handing over a big chunk of cash plus my passwords was a bridge too far for me.


  4. Hey All, just wanna add my congrats and say I don’t even bother going to the other site anymore cos it’d still count as a hit and the sooner it crashes n burns, the better. I’ve liked and shared ur 100000 post on FB so hopefully that gets the word out to ppl who love to play the game and again I think u guys are Awesomely Awesome for wot u do. I know how long I spend tapping myself; the fact that u guys run this site as well is just unbelievably awesome. Thanx 😀


  5. I’ve never ever donated before…….until now. Looks like I’m not having take out tonight. Spend it wisely Mike


    1. the money goes into the site and we use all the money we collect to buy premium stuff to make the site even better 🙂


      1. To clearify: premium updates for the site account 😉 We writers will never accept payment for writing here or use donations for our own games.


      2. Thanks both for clarification.


    2. Thank you friend. I will be posting a current donations balance and a summary of our goal and what the money will be going for. Every dime will go to upgrading the site and not our personal gain.


  6. Simpsons Tapped Out is a great game but it’s nice to see what the others are doing, that’s why this kind of blog is interesting.
    Can you be more specific on what the donation is for? Currently the blog is hosted on wordpress, so it’s free (interesting reading btw: http://www.socialmediatherapy.com/2009/07/03/a-free-wordpress-blog-can-really-cost-you/).
    Do you plan to share with writers? I would prefer a blog where people post because they like the game instead because they want money (which doesn’t seem to be the case so far)…


    1. Yes, the wp account is free, but the free version is limited in size and other areas. In order to grow, we need to update the servers or no new posts can be added. No donation money will ever go to anything else than costs for maintanance of this site! I will never accept payment for writing on this site rather the opposite, I will pay so I can continue writing here 🙂


  7. Hey Mike S.!!! GREAT JOB on the new site and picking up right where you left off! I actually think I like this site better! Could you please post on the (some-what new) feature of the game where you can go straight to a friends Krustyland from the friends screen, rather than wasting so much time searching their towns looking for the shuttlebus(and accidentally tapping brown houses, etc.. in the process)when all you really want to do is collect more tickets… It seems to me that many players still don’t know about this feature. Thanks, and keep up the great work!!!


  8. First .. Great job on this site.. I look forward to new game info and everyone’s comments.. Second….Now we got a game !!! Fun times trying to figure which character needs to be free and in what location in order to progress and complete quests ..third.. Great job Mike .. Love what you and your partners are doing with TSTO ..keep it goin !!


    1. Walkthroughs are coming!


  9. Congratulations! I was lurker on the old site and was really kind of turned off from the game for a bit after what went down. I found you guys started this place and decided to come out of the bushes just to congratulate you on 100,000 hits. Pretty soon no-one will even mention the other place. That’s when you’ll know you’ve really made it (not that you haven’t done great things, but you always need something to strive for).


  10. Dear writers,

    it’s so good to see you guys back and rise like a phoenix!!!

    After all that BS with tstotips/Gamezino I got really mad and sad. Before the take-over tstotips was the first site ever I checked daily and did some coments. Now THIS is the first site I’ll do the same AND make a donation 🙂

    I’m gonna transfer my frustration of what happend to gladness that I can keep on reading this blog. Looking forward to read some more awesome posts here at tstotopix and wish you all the best!!!


    1. Thank you friend. You’re always welcome here and I can guarantee this site will not ever sell out.


    2. Woohoo…I love seeing town friends posting again 🙂


      1. Hey bunnydud, nice to see you here.
        BTW I really enjoy watching your changing artworks in your Springfield town your’re doing with decoration stuff. Including the advertisement for tstotopix 😉 Reminds me of good old ASCII art 🙂


        1. Thanx 🙂 I am saving $$$ for next group buildings/land area…and now with new level…I have a lot to buy before re-design…so I am playing Lite Brite 🙂 I will eventually get a point where I will actually keep a few designs up all the time…for now…It’s design and shake the etcha sketch…POOF. 😛


  11. Also, I don’t know if anyone else has seen but the dark side has a new post. No explanation on all the hooha that’s been going on, and a totally crap post. It will fall so quick it will make that guys head spin!


    1. And the owner emailed us all as if nothing happened and wants us to write for him. Not happening!


      1. You don’t have to post this, but WTF is going on? I saw the post Matt put on the other site and was pi#*ed off how it seems business as usual. So many tappers don’t know whats happened. Then there is Mr. T. Soon I hope the true story is unfolded. Have you heard from him? I can’t believe I’m so concerned with a cyber “friend” He did so much good. Thanks for your time……


        1. The Tips site is attempting to save face and appear as a smooth transition as if nothing happened. And Matt is 15, writes like he’s 10 and is a stubborn racist. Seriously. The new owner actually emailed all of us writers today AFTER a week of silence and has still suspended our accounts even though I asked to be removed, he has not. And he’s trying to lure us back with promises of being paid per post. And he has to approve every post before its submitted. I work for no one and do not need my posts approved by anyone. Even Mr. T didn’t function like that. That site can you know what.


      2. I bet he does! People are following you as you guys are the best, and he wants to cash in on that! Bloody cheek! Like I said, he will soon realise…just a shame he’s scammed so many people, but live and learn 🙂 So glad I didn’t do it, but nobody should feel bad if they did, it was a ‘clever’ scam.


      3. I had to just go and have a look cant believe the nerve but the fake comments made me laugh they obviously don’t play the game just reposted stuff from previous updates and changed a couple of words.


        1. They also actually took posts that mrfy and Rcsprinter had started and saved to draft prior to the takeover and added their own stuff to them and released them as if they were genuinely from my guys. I had to threaten action to have them taken down.


      4. The word is out on them now more and more people come here each day hopefully no one else falls for it

        Keep it up I love your site:)


    2. this new guy on tips blogs like a 3 year old… you guys are doing a great job mike 🙂


  12. Hey, I’m hoping to start a new series of guest posts on here which showcases interesting things people have done with certain buildings/decorations and also to give others new ideas. Each post would have a theme such as ‘3D Creations’, ‘Hedge Art’ or even ‘Minigolf Courses’. Please take this into consideration and I’m writing the first one now.


  13. I check daily, thanks and congratulations writers! I even read some of the old walkthroughs for fun. Ah, the good old days of doing 45 second tasks or scraping to save for the full power plant set… How buying trees broke the bank… Gets me all nostalgic to see the first plot lines! Cheers and here’s to more hits.


  14. Peter (neoclassic70) 08/16/2013 — 00:58

    Hi Mike, congrats and I just made a small donation. I urge everyone to do the same! This site nicely continues the fun and good work of ‘Tips-before-The-Fall’, but you guys will soon crash if you don’t upgrade your worldpress software. SO ALL TAPPERS DONATE!


    1. I thank you for your donation and yes that’s my fear. I’m not in a good financial position to pay for it myself. Have to just hope we get enough donations and everything is fine.


      1. Peter (neoclassic70) 08/16/2013 — 01:21

        Just post how much you need for the update and monthly operational expenses. Then regularly post the status of received donations, so we readers have all the info we need to decide if and how much to support you guys… Good luck to you and team!


        1. Yeah I’m putting it all together within the next few days. Thank you.


  15. Here’s to ONE MILLION!!! 🙂


    1. I’m hoping my “tagged artwork” and town keeps pulling them this way. I had 5 friends on the game prior to first finding you…so if I met them via blog before…hopefully we will find each other again (already noticing a few trickling in)


      1. I am so thankful that DrewDabble got the domain tstotopix.com and linked it here 😀 So much easier to write in your town 😀 Thank you again DarlingDrew!


      2. Agreed…DrewDabble did an AMAZING thing 🙂


        1. I’m putting my trust in him hoping it was done with good intentions and he’s an awesome guy so at the moment I’m comfortable with him helping us too.


  16. I’m not sure if this has been talked about before but is there been any talk by EA or anyone else about adding specific items from the Simpson’s movie to the game? Like spider pig or the EPA related characters/items. Maybe even the dome or Colin ? Just a thought! On another note I got the level 33 update but only the museum and Sun sphere are there along with the premium items no eddie, Lou, or SWAT van… Any one else experience this?


    1. And also congrats! I love the site and its become an addiction checking in along with playing the actual game!


      1. Eddie & Lou unlock with SWAT van which is a decoration, that’s why you don’t find it in buildings.


    2. Chris nortonhall 08/16/2013 — 03:41

      Eddie &lew come with swat van which is a decoration!!


    3. You have to have Snake free to rob the kwik E Mart for an hour, then apu complains that there isn’t enough police which prompts you to place the swat van.


  17. Congratulations!! You guys and girls really deserve all the praise coming to you for this awesome blog. Great, great work!!


  18. Nice job team!!


  19. Congrats on the new site. I fell for the hack, and am hoping that EA will go after the perps and leave those of us who weren’t having our brightest days alone. Either way, it’s a game, I’ll live. The positive for EA is that some like me who hadn’t used any donuts have now got a taste of the premium life, so more likely to buy donuts now.


  20. And another 5,000+ hits since this post!!! So glad to be a part of this community 🙂


  21. 1,000,000 will come sooner thaan you think 🙂


  22. eldarofsuburbia 08/15/2013 — 21:14

    Hurrah! Keep the good work coming.


  23. Patricia Pellegrini-Klenczar 08/15/2013 — 21:02

    Yay ! I finally found you 😉 so happy


  24. Congrats! I just found this “new version” a few days ago, and already subscribed the “follow” to receive emails notifying new posts.

    Keep up the good work! 😉


  25. WELL DONE!!! YAYAYAYAYAY I hope you keeping hitting the milestones and keep enjoying what all you guys are creating.


  26. milfordpubster 08/15/2013 — 20:32

    Excellllent! I hope someone at EA is noticing this is the fastest growing and probably most trusted site devoted to their hottest title, and throw some fresh doughnuts, oops, I mean dough, your way. Congrats and keep on tappin’.


    1. I tried emailing EA the other day to explain the situation and that I am picking up where Tips left off but it was failed to deliver. They’re hard to reach.


      1. Make a special post on the subject. I remember some comment from someone whose cousin works at EA. Chances are they are already reading your site and the reddit threads.


  27. milfordpubster 08/15/2013 — 20:26

    Excellllent! I hope someone at EA will notice this is the fastest growing, and probably most trusted site devoted to their most popular title, and throw a little in the way of new doughnuts… Oops, I mean dough, your way, too.


  28. congrats to you all 🙂


  29. Mike you are doing a great job of keeping the spirit of “tips” alive here! We all appreciate it and the 100k hits is just the beginning. You be over a MIllion soon enough! Thank you and all the contributors for making this game even more fun and addicting


  30. Just found your site today and I’m thrilled to be part of the 100k! I bet in less then a month it will be at the million mark. Cheers to you all!!!


  31. Congrats im glad i can be a part of this new site from the beginning, now lets hit 1,000,000 together.


    1. Having been at Tips since near the beginning it is awesome to see things grow. I’m hoping we reach that level.


      1. Is anyone keeping an eye on the old site’s counter? Must have slowed down surely as all the regular readers have shifted to here and the other 2 blogs. With the update, the hack won’t work anymore so these crooks will have to come clean


        1. I haven’t even thought of that site since last week. I know they’re posting now and its terrible. From the writings of a 15 year old.


          1. In my opinion that kid is at least trying to get somewhere. Just that he got roped in by some MF into some shady business. Most 15 year old kids aren’t even that business inclined. We just need to rescue him from the dark side!


            1. That kid ranted a lot of racial slurs and other very bad language on another site, offending everybody! He’s already on the dark side, telling tall tales to impress and switching the blame when he’s busted. His only consistency is if he says “I’ll never do…” you can bet he will.


            2. Oh you haven’t read his stuff on reddit? He’s a mess.


              1. Seem to have missed that. Oh well. To hell with him then.


      2. Also, I’m now reading this via my wordpress app. I hope it still credits my visit to the site


        1. Me too! 🙂


  32. Yay! Congratulations. Every time I log on I check the number of hits and I am amazed at how fast it is climbing.


    1. Me too. Its the first thing I look at.


  33. Congrats on the milestone. Take cover there are more on the way!!


  34. Congratulations on the significant milestone….I have frequented this site since it began a week ago after the fiasco elsewhere. Keep up the good work and I am happy to support a site that stands by its morals/convictions….thanks to everyone for all you do!!!!


  35. Congratulations! As the word gets out the hits will only come in quicker!
    Are you able to post a link to amazon and make money that way?


    1. I have to look into it. Still learning everything and since we’re using the free WordPress software there are some limitations. Once we get enough donations I want to make the switch to WordPress.org and then we’ll have everything. But I’ll look into that as soon as I can.


      1. Hi and Congrats. The irony was I had just made a couple of purchases through tips’s link before the whole madness started. Typical! You can also register as a charity and use one of the many portals that gets you money for shopping on the internet. I use easyfundraising.Co.UK


        1. Thanks I’m going to look into some options in the morning.


  36. Congratulations.

    Heres to another 100k +


    1. Here’s to another couple million!


      1. Thank you. And also for your contributions as well.


        1. You’re welcome! Any chance I could become a proper poster? I know I’ve said it before but not the proper time or place. 🙂 I think it’s better than TSTOTips. More variety.


          1. We, as a team, have decided not to add any more premenent authors at this moment. (Werdna is invited but has not yet replyed) I’m sorry but this is so new and we’re still figuring and discussing on who will do what, not wanting a subject to be covered twice and stuff like that. We’re happy if you want to continue as a guest writer 🙂


            1. Ok. I understand. Eventually , though? (I was to be one on ‘The Dark Side That Doesn’t Have Cookies’. ‘He-who-shall-not-be-named’ said that he’d add me when he came back from his holidays.


              1. Seems like he’s in the business of broken commitments and promises. Be patient my friend.


  37. Chris nortonhall 08/15/2013 — 19:03

    Good luck with the site…. Any news on upcoming level 34 content!!


    1. Ha! You know, I was thinking that too lmao but there is plenty to keep me busy, its great! Congrats on the hits, it will get even bigger, and I am glad to be here almost from the very start 🙂 I feel this is my blog home now, more so than the dark side ever was, especially so as the posters actually make comments too and you can have a conversation! I love it so thank you!


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