Burns’ Casino: Daily Challenges

Daily Challenges joined us this month and during events they involve event jobs and quests. Join us right after the jump to discover the new challenges that awaits you during the Burns’ Casino event! Please note that this post contains SPOILERS of the event!

The following list is a list of all the jobs: all possible quests, the job that has to be done (that is in the name of the quest), the time it’ll take and the location.

Please remember to ALWAYS use the Go To button to do the jobs or they may not count and that to claim the reward you’ll need to tap on claim in the challenges screen.

Please note that normal Daily Challenges are still in effect and can be triggered randomly.

Quest Time Location
Acquire Chips [x350]  sidebar_casino_redchipssidebar_casino_greenchipsidebar_casino_bluechip
Acquire a Coaster [x5] sidebar_casino_coaster
Acquire a Courtesy Chip [x5]  sidebar_casino_courtesychip
Acquire a Keychain [x5]  sidebar_casino_keychain
Acquire a Martini [x5] sidebar_casino_martini
Acquire a Show Ticket [x5]  sidebar_casino_showticket
Play Casino Games [x8] 4h Homer’s House of Cards
Cletus’s Dice Den
Gaming Moe’s
Play Cards 4h Homer’s House of Cards
Play Dice 4h Cletus’s Dice Den
Play Slots 4h Gaming Moe’s
Tap Gamblers [x20]
Make Apu Take Ganesha Gambling 4h Burn’s Casino
Make Johnny Tightlips Deliver a Threat 4h Burn’s Casino
Make Tuxedo Krusty Hit on Cocktail Waitresses 4h Burn’s Casino
Make Lisa Feel Superior to Gamblers 4h Burn’s Casino
Make Lovejoy Count Cards for the Collection Plate 4h Burn’s Casino
Make Ned Actively Abstain From Gambling 4h Burn’s Casino
Make Paris Texan Blow Money with Style 4h Burn’s Casino
Make Princess Kashmir Entertain Gamblers 4h Burn’s Casino
Make Skinner Put Math to Actual Use 4h Burn’s Casino
Make The Rich Texan Go Big or Go Home 4h Burn’s Casino

Your rewards for completing the assigned jobs will be:

Act Possible Reward
1 sidebar_casino_redchips1,350
2 sidebar_casino_greenchip1,350
3 sidebar_casino_bluechip1,350
1-3 sidebar_casino_gametoken20
1-3 sidebar_casino_keychain25
1-3 sidebar_casino_coaster25
1-3 sidebar_casino_martini15
1-3 sidebar_casino_showticket10
1-3 sidebar_donut1
1-3 sidebar_donut3

Join us later for more info on this event, happy tapping!

33 thoughts on “Burns’ Casino: Daily Challenges

  1. No matter how many times i play the dice challenge i cant get to to clear. No problems with any others. Whats the catch


  2. How do I acquire martini’s?


    1. Gamblers drop them, slots or dice drops them, daily challange can reward them, some stages of the Club Card points rewards them


  3. How do I get Courtesy chips


  4. Are regular daily challenges still mixed in with casino daily challenges? I’ve only gotten casino challenges since the day after the quest (which was my first casino challenge), many days ago. I’m wondering if it’s safe to dismiss a donut to get event currency.


    1. Who turns down donuts? My recommendation is to only dismiss cash.


      1. I guess I should have pointed out that I’d get a reply like this. LOL

        Crafting cannot be done with donuts (or at least without an exorbitant amount). These items are limited time. For the time being, during the event, event currency, specifically crafting resources, are more valuable than donuts. Getting 1 extra donut (which is what I got from the last challenge) isn’t going to help me by much get the premium offerings in the store (none of which I’m super worried about not getting and I’m freemium), so I’m just focused on crafting. Since we don’t have a neat duplicating blitch, I have to get all I can through event currency and not donuts.

        I hope that explains it well enough. After the event I’m all about choosing donuts. Heck, I might be more enthusiastic if the challenge rewards 3 donuts. That would be hard to turn down. I always turn down cash.


        1. The risk is that turning down donuts can result in getting a cash prize instead of event currency. So of two “useless” things, donuts are better. Up to you if you want to chance it, know the risks before you play 😉


          1. Yes, that’s exactly why I asked if I could be confident that the challenges would remain casino themed. I didn’t X my donut because I was afraid of getting cash. I just didn’t want to X based on my anecdotal evidence.

            Sorry if it came across that I called donuts useless…didn’t meant to. Just not really planning to spend them so far, but I am continuing to collect them. I’ve increased my total by maybe 30 or 40 since about a week or 2 ago. Part of why I wasn’t too worried about a single donut, but yes, they do add up.


            1. Ive gotten a mix during the event. cash, currency and cash so x away at your own risk.


              1. I asked so I’d know not because I was informing everyone how dumb I am. 😦 Regardless, thanks for the counter-proof. I definitely won’t be Xing now. 🙂


                1. You’re not dumb. You gotta ask to know, not asking at all is being dumb.
                  If you only gotten donut/currency challanges, then yeah, it makes sense to concentrate on the current/limited prizes. It wouldve been a nasty surprise to x a challenge to get cash but that is another (worse than asking) way to learn.

                  Liked by 1 person

  5. How do you acquire key chains?


    1. Tap gamblers or play the slots


  6. I got assigned the task to collect five courtesy chips (whatever those are), which I guess can only be done by playing slots. Well I’ve pulled that lever dozens of times since then, and don’t have a single courtesy chip to show for it. I’m wondering if I should switch it out for another task. I hate to let a donut go by, but at the rate this is dragging on I worry I’m jeopardizing the ten donuts.


    1. you’ve all the time you want don’t worry


    2. Interessted!!!


  7. Adrian daniels 02/25/2016 — 18:23

    How do I acquire the coasters


    1. Gamblers or playing the slots


      1. Thanks


  8. Tapatapatapa 02/25/2016 — 01:33

    About crafting to ‘upgrade tier levels’… does anyone know what upgrading tiers will achieve?
    So far I have been prompted to upgrade Horseshoes and Coasters but it looks like most objects need Martinis to craft them …so I’m wondering if I should save resources to upgrade Martinis tier later.??


  9. How do you craft things?


  10. Does it not seem extremely difficult to get these items required for crafting. Is the only way to get them through the slot machine and tapping gamblers?!?


    1. and through the players club and daily challenges


      1. So is the strategy to upgrade the crafting level before crafting items?

        Liked by 1 person

  11. My Casino Daily Challenge doesn’t work. I got the quest to start it, hit “go to” but it sent me to the regular daily challenge which I ended up completing. I went to hit it again, but it keeps taking me back to the regular Daily Challenge. Hope this gets fixed.


    1. its not broken, as said, they’re mixed in with the normal daily challenges

      Liked by 1 person

  12. networkdood 02/24/2016 — 20:43

    I must be blind…I am not seeing any of these special daily challenges and I have Burns’ casino, Moe’s casino, and Burns’ Player’s Club…


    1. as said, they’re mixed in with the normal daily challenges

      Liked by 2 people

      1. networkdood 02/25/2016 — 00:48

        Ok, thanks!


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