Burns’ Casino event is live!

The Burns’ Casino is currently live on all platforms! Go download the app update now and join us later for more info on this event!

23 thoughts on “Burns’ Casino event is live!

  1. Any idea how I “acquire a coaster” 5 times, for today’s Casino Challenge? It’s the daily challenge, and a quest with the new update. I’ve no clue what I am supposed to do. When I click “Go to” from the challenge, it takes me to the casino. But then what? lol


    1. tap on the gamblers around town or friend town and also play moe’s game


  2. Ciarababyxo 02/24/2016 — 06:24

    I cannot explain how excited I am for this new update and the character that come along with it! So far I have not had any issues at all. No force closing. I didn’t lose anything. So far so good for the iOS update !


  3. Has it not been released for android yet? Cause I’ve been checking all day and still nothing. No auto update when I start my game and I’ve been reloading the play store and nothing, although the picture in the play store has changed.


    1. did you try and switch off and back on your phone?


      1. lel, switch it off and on again 😉
        I’m updating on android now! yay


      2. I’ll try, thanks


  4. Anyone notice that there is new function to tap and hold then a blue circle shows up and you can select a block of area, the buildings/decorations in that area will then be able to be moved.


    1. Seekeroftr848 02/23/2016 — 23:48

      Yeah I noticed that as soon as the event updated. I love the feature and was telling my wife a couple of weeks ago I hoped they’d make something like it or even a grouping tool. I love it!!!


  5. I lost all my data due to this update!


    1. An Anonymous game? Yes, my Anonymous town got lost too but that is a risk with playing unconnected


  6. Help? I just upgraded for the new update. And it destroyed my entire town. I was maxed on levels, over 15 mil, and honestly I loved my town. Is it really all gone? Is there some sort of roll back feature? I never joined EA for my game because I didn’t want one more account to keep track of…I have followed your site for awhile.


    1. try to force close and reopen. If you never joined Origins/EA account there could be problems though 😦


      1. I did. It’s all gone. I’m am very, very bummed.


        1. There are always, I repeat, ALWAYS tons of major issues with each and every update. Especially app store updates. Give it time to release and for the EA team to receive and work on issues. I wouldn’t panic just yet.


    2. Support can only roll back connected games.
      My B was Anonymous maxed out too. Gone. That’s a risk with playing Anonymously.


      1. Why doesn’t EA/Origin stress that? With the initial upload and for every update? It’s very unprofessional.
        I spent money, time, effort and thought. And honestly, I loved my little town. All gone with an update that didn’t provide a warning?


        1. This is extreme. If you play Anonymously you can not do a delete/reinstall but a normal update should not effect it. Info on this has been available on the official forum and the help forum.
          The game tells you to connect to make friends. Yes it is unclear why besides gaining cash, xp and prizes on occations donuts.
          Crash course on why you should connect your game to EA/origin.
          Connecting the game to EA means it it saved on an outside server, that the game is not tied to a specific device. You can load it to any device that has tsto installed. If you break your device you can transfer the game.
          There is always a default Anonymous game on every device. Connect the Anonymous game and a new Default Anonymous game will be created. Connect that, and another will be created etc (just dont connect two towns to the same email).


        2. proceed with tutorial till you can go to the friend’s towns page. login with facebook and it should say you’ve already a town on facebook and if you want to associate the tutorial town to FB. DON’T accept that and it’ll ask to use the town saved on facebook!


  7. Explains all the free donuts given away now…almost every new store item is Premium.


  8. I just received the Billionare Haven. Do I need to continue increasing the real estate values or is one billion the most that can be earned?


    1. 2 billions are the MOST that can be earned !!!


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